松下心臓核医学塾  Matsushita NCG School

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Nuclear cardiology conference is held every Thursday in Matsushita Memorial Hospital, where you can learn how to be fascinated by unclear nuclear medicine. This website is an online version of the conference. I would be happy if the contents were attractive and practical. Participants' contribution to the conference is much appreciated. After getting used to nuclear images, try a new diagnostic procedure in daily clinical practice: planar image → SPECT → bull's eye (i.e., order of development). The final goal would be to make an interpretation without clinical information. Also, NCG, as included in the English title, stands for nuclearcardiography. NCG is not a well-known term, but may be a good one in terms of of the similarity to ECG (electrocardiography) and UCG (ultracardiography).


Please contact webmaster for any questions or comments. You can also visit Matsushita Heart School to learn ECG and UCG.

〒570-8540 大阪府守口市外島町5-55 松下記念病院 循環器内科

川崎達也(メール js-kアットマークwf6.so-net.ne.jp

Tatsuya Kawasaki, MD, PhD (E-mail js-k(at sign)wf6.so-net.ne.jp)

Department of Cardiology, Matsushita Memorial Hospital

Sotojima 5-55, Moriguchi Osaka, 570-8540, Japan

設立2014年10月 Since October 2014